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This is like placing a gag order on my own body.
Our breath is one of the most loyal and helpful friends we have in the physical world because of its power to quickly bring our attention into the body and hence the present moment. Our breathing always takes place in the present moment. There is no breath in the past and there is no breath in the future. Remove the breath altogether and there is no life experience in the physical, mental and emotional realm for any of us. To quickly bring our attention into the present moment all that is required is to focus our attention on our breathing. By not pausing, or by consciously connecting our in-breaths and our out-breaths, we can then anchor ourselves in the present moment for as long as we choose. Another wonderful power related to the breath is that you cannot simultaneously breath calmly and be afraid. If you meditate on these two aspects of the breath for a moment it will become very clear to you that there is much to be gained by tuning into and mastering your relationship with the breath.
I will always be grateful to Kevin Costello for introducing me to consciously connected breathing because it is the one tool that has single-handedly enabled me to begin re-entering my physical body. There is a whole world ‘out there’, but until we begin to experience our inner presence by anchoring ourselves ‘in here’, we cannot make any sense of it.
For the purposes of this discussion I am not going to focus on the breath as a means to activate presence because this is covered completely in THE presence PROCESS. Instead I am going to focus on the vehicle that contains it: the body.
A powerful attribute of the body is that it does not think and therefore is more present than we are when our attention is straying off into time. What do I mean by when our attention is straying off in time? Simply this: when we are thinking about something that is going to happen tomorrow, or something that already happened yesterday, then we are not here, now, we are in a mental and emotional place called ‘time’. We spend most of our life experience adrift in this place and as a consequence spend most of our life experience out of the body. Living in this place called time is now an accepted habit and is considered ‘normal’ behavior. In fact it is encouraged. We are told to plan our life, yet we are not told to show up now. We accomplish this repeated escape from the present moment by using our attention and our intention. Our attention relates to what we are thinking about, while our intention relates to why we are thinking about it. Our entire illusionary experience of ‘time’ is created by the use of our attention and intention. The fact that we think anything real is happening while we inhabit this place is called being delusional.
The condition in which we find ourselves today is that to be a part of what humanity calls the civilized world requires that we spend most of our life experience out of body. We spend most of our life experience thinking our way through the endless mind-field. This is a behavior that happens quite independently of the physical body but is nevertheless reflected in its moment to moment condition. The body cannot be ‘out of body’, but we can and do spend most of our experience ‘missing in action’. The body is intelligent beyond our present comprehension but it uses this intelligence to act in the present moment, not to ponder on yesterday or project into tomorrow. It acts simply as a mirror, revealing the sum consequence of our every unfolding thought and emotion. Because the body does not contemplate on the past or project into the future it is therefore always in the present moment mirroring symptomatically where our thoughts and emotions are in time. The body simply responds physically and chemically in each moment to our thoughts and emotions and therefore our feelings about ourselves and our attitude towards being in this world. In this sense the body is an ongoing reflex to what we consciously and unconsciously embrace as our truths. This makes our physical body a very reliable barometer of what is really going on with us as we drift habitually in and out of time. We can read our own body like a book.
There are entire sciences or ‘agreements’, as I prefer to call them, based on the concept or reading the body, from Iridology to Reflexology to Palmistry. Most parts of our body, like our hands, feet, face, forehead and ears can be read and viewed as fractals representing the state of the whole. Understanding how this is possible and how it works is best communicated by metaphorically seeing the body as a hologram. A hologram is a three dimensional image created solely of light. The profound thing about a hologram is that if you take any part of the image and blow it up to full size it will appear identical to the complete and original image from which the part was taken. In other words, every part of a hologram is identical to the whole image, even though it may look different and unique when viewed simply as a part of the whole. In this respect any part of our body can be elected as a representative of the whole if we understand how to read it as such.
Years ago through the observation of my own symptoms and those of others I started integrating that, just like the universe on a daily basis, my body was talking to me. Through observation and experience it became clear that my body’s symptoms were manifesting as a way of gaining my attention; it was trying to bring my attention to what I was unconsciously thinking and feeling. Most of these unconscious thoughts and feelings were related to the past or the projected future, but my body was recording their effects in the present moment so that I could observe them as tangible physical events. Hence THE PHONETIC LANGUAGE’S interpretation of the word ‘symptom’ is some time. According to this definition ‘symptoms’ are simply pieces of time we have not yet integrated being mirrored in our body right now. This is another reason why it is not necessary to journey back into time to know what is going on with our emotions and our thought processes. All we have to do is read the body as it is now. This is simply a process of learning our body’s language.
Most of us have heard the term ‘body language’. This is a term that refers to the ability to read another person’s physical, mental or emotional state of being by their body position and posture. There are many healers that have taken this a step further by using physical body symptoms to do mental and emotional diagnosis in order to ascertain the spiritual causes of ailments. I embrace this approach completely as I use it myself. However, I do have some issues to take up with these healers and their approach.
Firstly, their insistence that they are accessing the ‘spiritual’ causes of symptoms. It is my understanding that Spirit is that part of us that was created by God and by consequence is eternal, unchanging, perfect, Whole and One. In this light our Spirit doesn’t ‘cause’ anything and is not changed by anything that happens in our physical, mental and emotional experience. For this reason, and also by taking THE PATHWAY OF AWARENESS into account, I prefer to access the emotional causes to all symptoms. Of course I am just being a Leo here. If we believe we can alter what God created perfect we are of course entitled to our beliefs.
I also struggle to understand how some of these practitioners correlate some of their listed symptoms with their associated diagnoses. But this is okay, this is not the issue I have with their approach. It is okay that I do not understand how they correlate their symptoms and causes because I do not have to understand how and why these methods of diagnosis work for these specific practitioners. These are after all simply agreements that these practitioners have made with the universes as to how they read their own body language, and hence how they read all other bodies that appear in their life experience. These agreements are valid for them, and for us, but only if we choose to establish the exact same agreement with the universe.
Where I do place my next issue is when these particular healers prescribe their diagnosis technique as being THE TRUTH for all relationships between body symptom and cause. Then they bring out a book saying ‘these are the causes of these following symptoms’. This is where I feel they are missing the point completely and not integrating the highly flexible and personally reflective nature of our experiences in this universe. They are not integrating that we all see exactly what we are looking for. We all see what we embrace as our truth. What they are not ‘getting’ is that their system of diagnosis is their truth. Just because it works for them does not make it a universal TRUTH. It only becomes true for us if we consciously adopt their procedure as our truth too. If we choose a different agreement with the universe regarding what our symptoms are telling us about our thoughts and emotions, then that will work for us as efficiently as their personal agreement works for them. You see God is smart, He designed this simulated experience in such a way as to give everyone an opportunity to be right! This is what makes Him so righteous.
In other words, what I am stating is that Freud and Jung only became ‘high priests’ of the psychoanalysis religion because most people are generally quite lazy, gullible and are suffering from a distinct lack of personal initiative. Especially those prone to the fields of psychiatry and psychoanalysis; they like to sit around all day and chat, to charge handsomely by the hour and to ensure that their analytical approach entails at least a few years of their patients dependence. Freud and Jung made this type of career possible for many.
The pitiful predicament is that instead of being taught how to seek out and make their own agreements with the universe, many people who are interested in a life of service get steered by our educational establishments into a life of following others. They end up discarding their own minds in favor of embracing the mindset of Freud or Jung, or someone else who has established a workable agreement with their experience of the universe. Freud and Jung saw exactly what they were looking for, so did Einstein, so did Newton and so did Gandhi. And in that vein, so do I. It doesn’t make it THE TRUTH; it simply makes it a workable agreement.
Within this simple integration lies both the power and the impotence of humanity. The power is only activated by making the effort, by being curious and brave enough to establish our own agreements. Only in this way can we have our own experiences of life. Only in this way can we truly BE alive. By blindly embracing other’s agreements we simply walk their path. As Don Juan told Carlos Castaneda, “No matter which path we choose, we begin nowhere (now here) and we end nowhere (now here). The only question is: do we choose a path of heart, or not?” Those who blindly walk another’s path might ‘get a-head’, but they cannot have heart. They can have a spectacular mind, but they will miss the beautiful touch of life. They can analyze and discuss the validity of the another’s path until the end of time, but they cannot taste the courage of their own convictions. They can do life, but they cannot BE alive. By following another’s path they will never be able to proclaim, as Frank Sinatra sang it, “I did it my way.”
Oh yes, I do have one more issue about healers and their means of diagnosis. And as I write this let me also state that I am using the word ‘issue’ deliberately. Firstly because we are dealing with symptom diagnosis, and secondly because its fun to say it with my tongue firmly imbedded in my cheek. My third issue is that I have also heard and read that many practitioners have divined their systems of body symptom diagnosis psychically, or through channeling, which I can also accept. Jean Holland, whom I mentioned in the introduction to this book, is a channel. So I have no ‘issues’ with authentic channels.
My reservation with the approach of divining symptom diagnosis techniques psychically or through channeling is that it is dis-empowering for the rest of us ordinary folk because we have to rely on their psychic insight or take their ‘channel’s’ word for it. It makes the foundation of their diagnosis technique somewhat mysterious, which again puts up the barrier of us not being able to apply it through our own understanding. We are simply being asked to accept his or her ‘knowing’. There is no ‘good’ reason to be mysterious about anything. Mysteriousness is the art of ‘hiding’ stuff in order to retain superiority or to manipulate. Or, because we ‘made it up’ and therefore cannot explain how we got from point a to point b. Advocating mystery is no different to advocating segregation. There is no mystery in Oneness and there is no Oneness in mystery. Religions rise and fall upon the precarious nature of such blind belief tactics. So do our egos.
Okay, so I have had my little poke and prod at healers, psychiatrists and psychoanalysis in general and hopefully you can taste the humor flowing through it all. If not, you are obviously a very serious healer, analyst or facilitator. Unfortunately God cannot help us with ‘Self-importance’.
Let us now return to the discussion about the magnificent physical body with which we have adorned our Spirits in this universe and begin opening our minds to the endless possibilities of establishing a means to communicate with it. Personally, when approaching such a task, I prefer embracing the obvious and have therefore developed a process of body symptom diagnosis that is founded on common sense, metaphors and THE PHONETIC LANGUAGE. In other words, nothing new. Because this is about my body, which I am inclined to take far too seriously, I also incorporate a healthy helping of fun: an inevitable consequence of THE FUN-NETIC LANGUAGE! My system is easy to understand and once you get it, it makes common sense. What’s more it is not new because we use it unconsciously everyday in our manner of speech. Again, let me be clear that my system is not THE TRUTH, it is simply my agreement with the universe as to how I choose to communicate with my body and therefore with all the bodies that appear in my life experience. So this is it:
My agreement with the universe about how I communicate with my body and all other bodies in my experience states that everything I experience around, on or in my body is my body deliberately communicating with me. As with my interactions with my outer world, there are no accidents when it comes to my body. Every event and circumstance involving my physical body has meaning and happens deliberately. This includes every ache, pain, scratch, seemingly accidental bump or itch. No event or experience is excluded from this new agreement with the universe. I therefore cannot choose to be selective about when my body is communicating with me and when it is not. If I am being selective it is because I am not ready to deal with the information yet, or that I simply don’t want to know. Or, it is because I am unconscious and adrift in time to the point that I have forgotten that I even have an agreement with the universe about how to communicate with my body.
Let me now explain to you the basics of how I actually read my body. Once you ‘get it’, if you enjoy it, you can tailor-make a dialogue with your own body and the bodies around you according to the way you use common sense, metaphors and phonetics. Once you have made an agreement with the universe as to how you intend to communicate with your body this arrangement will be installed accordingly. Not only will you be able to communicate with your own body, but as I have already written, this agreement with the universe will also allow you to communicate with all physical bodies in your life experience. If you are a practitioner in the healing arts your client’s bodies will automatically speak to you in line with your agreement with the universe. You will therefore be able to read them like books.
So, according to my agreement this is how I read my body:
The front of my body represents the future and the back the past. The right half of my body is my male side, which relates to father/brother issues on one level and issues with God on another. The left side of my body is my female side and relates to mother/sister issues on one level and issues with The Goddess on another. My legs in general are related to how I am metaphorically walking my path through life. My arms in general are related to my life’s purpose or work. My stomach area relates to how I am digesting the experiences that I am having in my life – as in whether I can stomach something or not. My chest area is always about the heart of the matter.
My backbone is related to how supported I am feeling in the world or how I am supporting myself in the world. The lower part of the back relates more to root physical issues like survival, or money, whilst the higher part of the back relates to more emotional-based issues like my emotional support systems and my ability to receive unconditional love. My solar plexus relates to issues around personal power and authority. The area directly in front of my heart represents my ability to give unconditional love while the area between my shoulder blades represents my ability to receive love.
The area between my shoulder blades is also where I keep ‘all my garbage’ because no matter how much I turn around I cannot see it. Between my shoulder blades is also where my compost is for growth. When I deal with my garbage and turn it into fertile compost it is in this area that my wings metaphorically sprout and spread so that I can fly.
My shoulders are related to how I am carrying myself in the world, or whether I am choosing to carry the world. My neck area is related to my voice and how much I am prepared to stick my neck out for what I embrace as a truth. My face represents the masks I wear or the faces/masks I am showing my world. My face also represents how I see myself.
Then we can get more specific. My feet are related to how ‘down to earth’ I am and issues around being grounded. My calves are about childhood issues because a calf is the child of a cow. My shins are related to things I shun. My knees are related to areas of neediness. My hips are related to how flexible I am in the world – or how hip I am. My anus is related to how I am dealing with my shit, so to speak. My urine will always reflect the state you’re in. My sexual organ relates to my issues around potency or impotency, as well as to issues around creativity.
Each of my fingers is related to the names already given them. My thumbs are related to approval issues, as in ‘thumbs up’ or ‘thumbs down’. My pointing finger is related to issues around blame or accusation or diffusion of responsibility. My middle finger is related to reaction, anger or profanity, as in ‘giving someone the finger’. My ring finger is related to issues surrounding loyalty, relationships and commitment. My little finger is related to issues of self-esteem. My nails are related to being nailed on any of the issues according to which finger it is.
My wrists are related to risks. My elbows are related to effort and determination around my purpose or work, as in ‘elbow grease’ or ‘to elbow out the way’. My shoulders are about ‘putting the shoulder to the wheel’ or ‘carrying the world on my shoulders’. My neck can also be related to issues of ‘being a pain in the neck’, or courage and conviction, as in ‘sticking my neck out for something’.
My lips and tongue are to do with my speech and my word use. My lips are also about mood and therefore emotional content, as in smiling or sulking. My ears are about hearing and my ability to listen to what I hear. My nose about things “I knows”, or that “I don’t want to knows”. My eyes are about the way I look at my world and how I choose to see it, or the way I choose not to. My teeth are related to how I am biting into my reality, as in ‘biting off more than I can chew’. Like my fingers each of my individual teeth tell a story according to their accepted names, as in my wisdom teeth or my eye teeth. My sinuses are about inner crying. My sinuses tell me if I am holding back emotions that I would be better off releasing. For repressed tears the sign is sinusitis. (Try saying that really fast ten times!)
Itching is related to unsatisfied desires. Scratches are related to superficial issues that are just breaking the surface, while actual wounds that draw blood are related to surfacing emotional traumas. Bruises are related to emotional issues that are just beneath the surface and broken bones symbolize serious breaks in my experience related to whatever area of the body they occur. Scars are just that.
So this gives you a basic understanding of the vocabulary I share with my body. I want to again be clear that I am not stating that this is what it is for everyone. That would be to miss the point of ‘making agreements with the universe’. What I am saying is that this is how I have arranged the communication between the body I am in and myself. It is an agreement and once the agreement is made I live by it. So does my body and this enables us to have a conscious relationship with each other based on clear and quite often humorous communication. Because I have this agreement with the universe about how I communicate with my body it also allows me to read other’s bodies using the same language. To understand how and why this is possible requires a discussion on the consequences of Oneness. Until we get to that point I will simply state that my way of interacting everyone’s physical body in my life experience mirrors the way I interact with mine. Therein is the Oneness of it all.
So how do I actually receive communication from my body?
Say for example if I am walking along and bang my right knee. I no longer say, “Oops, I was clumsy” or “I had an accident”. I now know immediately that the universe together with and through my body is working intimately to communicate something to me about how my past is impinging on my present moment experience. If I am interested, because I don’t always have to be interested, I then diagnose the event as follows:
I first look at the physical event. I banged my right knee. So it is an issue of need related to my male side. This will most likely be rooted in an unproductive or self-destructive belief system I manufactured regarding my relationship with my father that is now calling to be integrated. Then I can look at it mentally. To get a better idea of what this belief system actually is I examine what I was thinking just prior to and exactly in the moment I banged my knee. These thoughts will identify the incorrect perception or belief system that I am holding onto that is not serving me. To integrate how this experience emotionally I simply recall the precise emotion I displayed throughout the incident. In other words, what was my emotional drama? If I was angry, then the issue is one that involves anger towards my father as a result of something I perceived him doing to me, or anger towards myself for having allowed it. If I got a fright it relates to fear. If I shed tears it relates to grief. On a deeper level if I want to reach a spiritual integration I then examine this whole scenario with respect to my relationship with God as my Spiritual Father.
Having set up this agreement with the universe about how I communicate with my body self-empowers me. I no longer have to go to a complete stranger in order to find out what the thought processes and emotions are that aren’t serving me since the state of my body simply and accurately reflects them. This is the language my body now speaks and I am learning more of its words every day. It also saves me on medication that only serves to suppress the symptoms. I seldom use medication because after having set up a channel of communication with my body, to then feed it symptom suppressers is no different to placing a gag order on it. That would negate my arrangement with the universe about my body. However, as I also compassionately embrace the stance of mercy over sacrifice, I will on occasions use medication to ease the suffering I experience through my body until I can integrate what it is the discomfort it trying to bring to my attention. However, this is rare. It is definitely the exception and not the rule.
Without my physical body I would not be here, now, in the physical, mental and emotional plane and thus having this opportunity for Self-realization and service. Without my body I would be adrift in time and have no point of focus to bring me back into the present moment.
Some take it as their truth that the only reason we are given a physical, mental and emotional life experience is so that we have an opportunity to realize and serve God. This too is one of my truths. Therefore my body is indeed my temple. Once I have established a means of communication with it, it serves my spiritual journey in that it accurately reflects my unintegrated past and so assists me to integrate what is distracting me from fully entering the present moment. As such it is my living altar; it shows me what I need to ‘alter’ about my emotional, mental and physical experience to fully regain presence.
As such my body is an obedient servant and vehicle. Becoming present within it is the starting point of my journey into the present moment, which is the only place in which the remembrance of God can be achieved.